The Special Service Area 61 EAV (equalized assessed value) for 2022 has increased from below 5% in 2021 to 8% for 2022. This increase in expected SSA revenue is due to increased property values in the footprint, NOT an increase in our levy, which remains at 0.65%.

The City of Chicago requires commissions with an EAV increase over 8% to hold an open community meeting to review the budget. SSA61 has scheduled a community meeting at 6:30 pm on October 26, prior to the next monthly commissioners meeting.

Special Service Area #61 Hyde Park
Community Meeting
6:30 pm Tuesday, 10/26/2021

  1. Welcome
  2. Overview of the SSA 61
  3. Purpose of This Meeting: 8% Increase in EAV
  4. Review of Accomplishments in 2021
  5. Presentation of 2022 Budget (Summary)
    1. Ongoing maintenance and infrastructure improvements
    1. Goals for 2022 (place-making, public art, branding, marketing)
    1. Possible special events (Shop Local, Holly Days, 4th of July)­
  6. Questions and Comments
  7. Adjourn

The #SSA61 Special EAV Budget meeting will be held online at 6:30 pm. Click for details. The regularly scheduled October 26th commissioners meeting will follow at 7:00 pm.

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