Special Service Area 61 Hyde Park (SSA 61) welcomes artists to submit their artworks for consideration to revitalize the 53rd & 55th St. viaducts in Hyde Park. SSA 61 represents the welfare of the businesses in the Hyde Park district and understands the important role the viaducts play in welcoming visitors to explore those businesses. Each selected artist will be provided a set stipend of $3,000 per panel for the use of their artwork. Selected artworks will be reproduced on vinyl on the existing panels by third party printing and installation company, Moss Inc (Moss).
Project Objective:
Successful submissions will approach the site with a bold and creative vision that reflects the community’s best qualities – its connectedness, diversity, culture, entertainment, and residents. The viaducts connect the east and west side of the business districts allowing the art to seamlessly encourage movement throughout. Submissions should create an attraction that acts as an entry point for visitors to experience the viaducts as a “must see” amenity. This revitalization serves to improve the safety and well-being of pedestrians, bikers, and vehicular traffic by creating a sense of place for surprising, delightful interactions, welcoming visitors and residents alike to venture through Hyde Park.
The project goals are to connect with two groups:
(1) Hyde Parkers, those who live east of the viaducts and need to walk through them to get to the restaurants and shops. The viaducts should be a joyful compliment to the local businesses and attractions that Hyde Park offers. This project is not intended to be a didactic display of South Side history.
(2) Non-South Siders, fellow Chicagoans we want to pull in to Hyde Park for entertainment, shopping and eating. The goal is to make the viaducts welcoming and inviting for everyone.
Selection and Sequence
A curatorial team of three representatives from the South Side will be responsible for the artwork selection and sequence. The jurors include:
- Monique Brinkman-Hill, Executive Director of South Side Community Art Center
- Mariela Acuña, Exhibitions and Residency Manager at Hyde Park Art Center
- Ciera McKissick, Public Programs Manager at Hyde Park Art Center
Chicago Public Art Group (CPAG) will not be selecting the artists.
30 finalists will be notified and selected for their artwork submission to undergo review and approval by Moss. 19 or fewer artists will be awarded with a panel.
The application is open beginning 4/5/24. Jury deliberation & Moss review will occur in May. Artist contracts will be awarded in June and artists payments will occur once artwork is print ready. Printing and installation will take place Summer 2024. The anticipated lifespan for the artwork is approximately 3 or more years.
For all of the details and art specifications, please visit Chicago Public Art Group.
- Request to join the info session by April 21, 2024.
- Info session is April 24, 20224.
- Submission deadline has been EXTENDED TO May 19 ,2024.